Sara Cat
Today is Thursday and time to link up with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School.
We have already covered all of the rainbow colours. This week we do one last colour before resuming with a new journey through the letters of the alphabet. My Rainbow Mystery colour is black. Here are some of my favourite blacks. My mostly black cats, Sara and Cajsa:
Sara and Cajsa

Black is a popular colour for jewellery. Here are some pieces of my black jewellery with some gold-colour mixed in:

Some memories are remembered in tones of black and white - Here are some old photos that I have already shown on a post for French Obsession:
To see more Rainbow Surprise Colour-posts, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School here.
I love the cats! I REALLY like the B&W photographs!
Love your sweet kitties...I'm partial to b&w cats myself~ and I the photos of you & your grandmother :-)
Nicely done B&W post Anna. The cats are so sweet and so are the snaps of you and your mormor.
I love your cats. The Jewelry of course is always beautiful. Best of all is your black and white pictures.A very good memory for you.
Have a wonderful day.
MeoWWWW!!!! Cute kitty pics! Sweet bracelets Anna and your mormor pics are so special!
Great color!!! It is a color that really catches your attention and has class!! Love your cats! They are so healthy and shiny looking!! Your jewelry is very nice too. Black and white pictures tell a story to me from long ago. I have many from my parents that I treasure. Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog!
How cute the kitties are! Lovely jewelry too..Surprising and creative way to end Rainbow Thursday!
OH those kitties are so sweet, and just perfect for the summer color school- black!!
I love old black and white photos. And black and white cats are beautiful.
Black is a popular choice this week! Really great photos!
Such pretty cats. I once had an all black cat that we had gotten just before Halloween. We named her Halley.
Your black jewelry is very elegant looking. Loved the black and white pictures of your gram and you. How sweet your cats are.
For some reason, this morning when I tried to comment, I could never get the comment box to come up!! But, here I am now. Your kitties are so pretty. I am quite allergic to cats - I get a rash on my arms if I try to pet them...and, of course, if I'm around them, they seem to instantly have an attraction to me
( I am even worse with rabbits ). So it's nice when I can enjoy them vicariously this way!
Love you black jewelry...I have quite a few onxy items I've gotten in travels - a lovely faceted onyx ring I got in Pisa, Italy about 15 years ago, then a smooth onxy ring from Cancun, Mexico ( my boys always called that my "witches" ring ). I also have a faceted
onxy and gold bracelet from Asia
that I bought in Seattle and
assorted pendants.
Love your old photographs.
Whenever you feel like doing that
interview, I would love it and
I will send you my poetry book as
a thank you.
those black cats are too cute to bring bad luck so they must be very lucky cats! I am really enjoying all the black posts, not sure why their are so many but they are all GREAT
Hi folks:
For some unknown reason Sara Cat has suddenly become inspired! She has done a post of her own for the end of Rainbow Summer School! If you have the time, please visit her post:
Sara Cat's Rainbow Mystery
Best wishes,
The cats took such great shots. They looks like such fun.
the cats are lovely to look at they seem so healthy
My cat growing up looked just like that one. Her name was Kitty....ha.
I had a question about your comment on my chalkboard. I have a perfect place to make a chalkboard on the wall of the bed room but that room has carpet in it. Do you think the chalk would come up or ruin it? The grandchildren would love it in their playroom.
I love your cats.They are so sleek. I would definitely wear the black and gold necklace and bracelet :)
Kitties! I love your kitties so much :) They remind me of my in-laws cats. You would so love them because they're all sorts of black and whites :)
I also love that black beaded jewelry. It looks so simple but very elegant. It's not too overwhelmingly huge either. I think they would look great with evening dresses :)
Anna, what a lovely stop on our last little journey through Rainbow Summer School!
Black jewelry is so striking. When I was younger and would tan up pretty dark I always loved wearing it.
And your cats are very sweet!
Thanks for a fun link.
Do google 'mangalsutra'. Your creations look so much like the traditional jewelery of married Hindu women of Western India.
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