Tuesday, 14 September 2010

I is for Insecure - Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday Round 7 - I

This is what I looked like when
was about five or six years old.
I am participating in Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's inspirational and popular alphabet-theme-challenge, ABC-Wednesday, Round 7. This week's letter is 'I'. My choice of H-word is 'Insecure', one of many I-words that are on the negative side of life.

'Today, I'm feeling insecure,
What to write? I'm not quite sure.
What to do, or where to go,
Does someone love me? I don't know!'

Many negative words begin with 'I'.
'Indecision', 'insecure', 'introvert' (which means shy).
'Just go ahead and do it! ' I tell myself, this way.
And look, I did! I wrote a post today!


Thanks for visiting!
Best wishes,

First Commenter:
Mar of Maremagnum

To see more posts with I-words, please visit ABC-Wednesday, Round 7 here.


MaR said...

Good for you! you wrote and interesting post for the theme! love your picture as a kid.

ABC Wed: i

Nanka said...

Hooray for the fun post and a job well done!! :) Interesting negative I words.

Rumya said...

Interesting post for the I and loved the poem!! Have a great week ahead!!

Sylvia K said...

Love your photo and what a cute one you were! Great choice for the I Day and wonderful words as well! Have a lovely week!


Rune Eide said...

Many positive words begin win an I too:


EG CameraGirl said...

You were such a cutie! Don't feel insecure! Of course we all love you!

Dina said...

Interesting, Anna, how you inverted your whole mood by accomplishing this nice post!

A cute picture of you, too. :)

Carver said...

I is also for intelligent which you clearly are. Great post!

Carver said...

PS I love the photograph of you as a child.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

smart one.

Gigi Ann said...

I liked your I post, so creative, I was Impressed...

Kay L. Davies said...

Ah, don't we all have days when we feel insecure, and several other of those negative "I" words, too?
A very creative post. Thank you. And thank you also for your kind comments about our Igor!

Alberta, Canada

photowannabe said...

A very clever poem about being insecure. It could have been written about me too.
Hope you have a great day.

anthonynorth said...

And you got over the insecurity by doing so.
Nice one.

Anonymous said...

Your post is perfect for the letter.

Some positive "I" words.

ABC Wednesday Team

Reader Wil said...

I like your photo! As a child I was also very shy and even as a teenager I was very insecure. Your poem says it very clearly. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Much respect upon this entry of yours. Please have a good Wednesday.

daily athens

Tumblewords: said...

OhmIgosh! This is a terrific I post! I recognize lots of those feelings and really enjoyed your poem!

Cheryl said...

Anna, you captured the feelings of writing with misgivings. A feeling we all likely share.

Ann said...

What a great poem for the letter I. I think the poem actually describes how I feel quite often :)

Carol said...

Oh, no need to feel insecure - I'm certain many somebodies love you. How could they not?

Roger Owen Green said...

we all had or have our awkward periods; you really own it. good for you!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

jeanlivingsimple said...

Now see how loved you are?:) You were a cute 6 year old!

Thanks for your very nice comment on my blog.:)

Beverley Baird said...

What a lovely post! What a cutie you were!

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

yay for you! No need to feel insecure!
Pretty clever post.

Cezar and Léia said...

Your picture is adorable, these moments are so precious.Thanks for sharing your picture.
And I bet those insecure feelings fad away because you have so many sincere friends, sending you good vibrations and lots of love!
Friendship is wonderful, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your kind words and wishes. I really feel much, much better. It helped. I am fortunate to be a part of Abc-Wednesday, with all of you truely inspiring and helpful people!
I hope that only good things happen to each of you this week.

Best wishes,

I will respond to each in turn.

Carol said...

What a great I post, Anna! That's a cutie photo of you and I like your poem.

Grampy said...

You were very cute as a child. And good job with the post. We all feel that way at times.

Ingrid said...

What a nice interpretation of I !
Fortunately the negative words never fitted on me, lol !

Mom vs. the boys said...

cute and creative! good job!

Amy said...

I very much enjoyed your poem and your photo. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my "i" post!

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Sounds like a bad day move on by verbalising the feelings! Thanks for reading and commenting on my poem. Hope your week goes well.

Anonymous said...

Excellent take on the day. Very creative. Love the photo from yesteryear!

ChrisJ said...

Something most of us have to deal with most of our lives. But we're very good at concealing it.

S said...

That prefix "In" means "not" so no wonder it is negative. This post shows the pain of growing up. We've all felt that way; I even do, at times, still as an adult. Enjoyed your photo, too.

Also, those cats above are beautiful!

Thank you for visiting my blog last week, probably from Lisa's link. My blog is not attached to my Google account so here is the link for ABC Wed:
Incredible Island


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