Saturday 13 February 2010

PhotoHunt theme #200 - "Broken"

PhotoHunt theme #200 is "broken". I have taken this theme very literally because, as the mother of two energetic and optimistic children aged eight and five, many things do get broken. Sometimes these are items are very precious to me for one reason or another.

In this case, we are looking at a tiny pitcher that belonged to my maternal grandmother. The children thought they could play with it with their tea set and dropped it on the floor. They did not ask me first, so I first found out about them borrowing it when I heard it crash on the floor.

Happy Valentine's Day!



Maria Berg said...

Vad härligt uppkläd hon var vid granen och ja ibland glömmer barnen bort att dom inte kan leka med vanliga saker på samma sätt som "leksakerna" hoppas du har annat minne av din mormor. MB

Unknown said...

Tack Maria!
Jodå, jag har annat från mormor. Det är bara synd att det ska gå sönder saker som både har affektionsvärde och penningvärde. Jag skulle aldrig sälja mina minnen, men om jag skulle försöka ersätta den genom att spåra upp något på en antikvitetsaffär, då kostar det pengar att köpa. Och då är det inte längre samma föremål som vidrördes av mina släktingar. "Anden" är borta.
Jag borde ha varit tydligare.
Barnen blir lite vilda när jag sitter vid datorn eller gör smycken. Jag kan inte arbeta med något annat när barnen är hemma. Jag måste finnas till hands och vara beredd på att bli avbruten för att ingripa.
Tack för besöket!

Scott Law said...

It makes you wonder how any antiquess make it. Maybe that's why they become so valuable. Great take on the theme this week.

Scott at World’s Best Photography Blog ;^)

Alice Audrey said...

Oh no!

Quick, grab anything else you have like it and pack it away! You can unpack it when they move out.

Unknown said...

Dear Alice,
Good advice! I have a lot locked away, but this cabinet hade the key in the key hole!
Thanks for stopping by!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Oh dear... So many of my mother's precious things suffered this way over the years. Not by me, thank goodness but from my other brothers and sisters and what my mother calls "pure wear" ("I didn't break it, Mom!" "Oh, then I suppose it was pure wear that broke it?"). Its a wonder anything survived our childhood...

Randi said...

Ja, tänk så fort det kan hända! Och är de två, går det säkert snabbare. Hoppas nu du har gömt dina skatter högt och inlåst.

Brita said...

Oj då! Vad synd men tyvärr, sånt är livet. Olyckor kan hända. Ibland väldigt snaggt. Och det går ju inte att ersätta, som du säger för att det "anden" är borta.
Hoppas ni har ett trevligt veckoslut allihopa!
Tack för besöket likaväl

Sparkle said...

There aren't many nice things sitting around here. Supposedly we cats are "destructive," but the truth is we just know that all the world is one big cat toy.

Unknown said...

Dear Sparkle,
Thanks for stopping by. Cats are individuals, just as humans. Cajsa Cat has been very agile and careful where she puts her feet. She would never step on the computer keys, whereas Calle Cat used to be very clumsy and add new letters and change the mening to my texts!
Now that they are soon eleven and tens years old, Cajsa is less active and Calle has become more careful.
Best wishes

Lin said...

Oh no! It's one of those situations where you don't know if you are more hurt or mad. Ugh. Can you repair it?

MaR said...

Sorry about's a pity!

Glad mine it's not broken...!

eastcoastlife said...

I have lots of lovely crockery broken not only by my young son but hubby too. :(

Mrs. Mecomber said...

When they get bigger, they break bigger things.... lol

I'm late in visiting everyone for Photo Hunters, but better late than never! Have a wonderful week.

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