Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Today is Thursday and time to link with Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday Rainbow Summer School. This week's colour is Rainbow VIOLET. I thought that I would begin this Rainbow VIOLET-post by doing something a little bit DIFFERENT.
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Source: Wikipedia
The top picture is a still that I have taken off the screen of the character Violet Parr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parr, the Incredibles, from the movie, with the same name, about a family of superheros. Violet Parr is a shy teenage girl, who has the power to make herself invisable, similar to to the Invisible Woman, and to create force fields that can be used as shields.
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Source: Wikipedia
Source: Wikipedia
In this first scene, we see Violet as a shy high school girl who has a crush on a boy named Tony Ridinger. Violet makes her head invisible for Tony when he walks by her at school. Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

When Tony has gone
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

Violet allows herself to be visable again.
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

Her mother, Helen Parr or 'Elastic-Girl'
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

as she was called at the height of her super-heroine-career,
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
picks Violet up in a typical 1960's car.
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Helen Parr has just received new super-costumes for the whole family
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

from top-designer Edna Mole (who looks a lot like film-costume-designer Edith Head).
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

Violet's new super-clothes can disappear and reappear at the same time that she does!
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
This next scene is on the jet plane that Helen Parr has been allowed to borrow in order to find her husband who has fallen into the hands of the villian, Syndrone. The children, Violet and her younger brother, Dash, have stowed away on the aircraft and are discovered by their mother here:
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar AnimationMany crazy and amazing things happen until the happy end when life returns to normal
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation

and through a series of adventures together with her parents and brother she becomes a stronger person
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
and becomes brave enough to speak to Tony Ridinger.
Photo Copyright Disney & Pixar Animation
Photo Copyright Christina Wigren
Here is my son Erik hugging a lavender-coloured stuffed toy elephant, called 'Heffaclump'.
Photo Copyright Christina Wigren
Photos Copyright Christina Wigren

Thanks for visiting!
Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Kelly of Design Ties

To visit other posts about the colour violet, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site Off My Tangent for 'Alphabe-Thursday's Rainbow Summer School' - Rainbow VIOLET.

If you live in the United States, please order here:
If you live in the UK, please order here:
If you live in Sweden check this Swedish-language version out. Other languages on this DVD are English, Finnish and Icelandic. Click on image or logo.
(This is just me being helpful. I do not receive any payment for passing on this information.):
Den här filmen finns som DVD på svenska, finska och isländska, såväl som på engelska! Klicka här!

Here is my son Erik hugging a lavender-coloured stuffed toy elephant, called 'Heffaclump'.
Photo Copyright Christina Wigren
Lovisa, the cat, sends purrs and kind regards, but does not want to appear on a Rainbow Summer School post for a third time. Since this is the end of the rainbow, I thought that I would do a quick button & bead rainbow review:
Red-Orange-Yellow-Green-Blue-Indigo-VioletPhotos Copyright Christina Wigren

Thanks for visiting!
Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Kelly of Design Ties

To visit other posts about the colour violet, please go to Mrs. Jenny Matlock's site Off My Tangent for 'Alphabe-Thursday's Rainbow Summer School' - Rainbow VIOLET.

If you live in the United States, please order here:
If you live in the UK, please order here:
If you live in Sweden check this Swedish-language version out. Other languages on this DVD are English, Finnish and Icelandic. Click on image or logo.
(This is just me being helpful. I do not receive any payment for passing on this information.):
Den här filmen finns som DVD på svenska, finska och isländska, såväl som på engelska! Klicka här!

Fun post :-) I enjoyed reading the evolution of Violet Parr :-) Although you'd think someone with super powers would be totally brave and confident!!
Love Heffaclump the lavender elephant :-) He looks very snuggleable :-)
creative! Erik looks sweet hugging his lavender stuffed toy. love the color arrangements of the beads.
I love the summarizing rainbow of beads at the end!
What fun! The comic was perfect for this post.
wonderful post Anna ... i loved the rainbow of beads at the end!
What a fun post. I'm not familiar with Violet Parr so it was nice to get to know a little about her. :)
Love Elisabets flip flops, very cute
Anna - I think that's the first time I've seen your son. He's so cute. I've seen your daughter before and, of course, she's lovely. Your post was very nice - though I've gone beyond this story...with my adult sons. Maybe I will, someday, have a grandchild.
At 65, I've done it! My poetry book – “Life's Journey” by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my
journey through life - some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )
Check out the reviews at my Amazon site to see what others thought of my book!
Lovely violet post - beads and more...blessings...bkm
Dear Kelly,
I've already left a comment on your post with all of those beautiful purple interiors.
To respond to your comment about Violet Parr's lack of confidence, according to the storyline of the film, 'supers'/super-heros were forbidden to actively preform 'super-acts' because of a law suit involving Violet's father, Mr. Incredibile. A man who was trying to commit suicide sued Mr. Incredible for saving his life, which caused a wave of lawsuits against super-heros all over the United States. This meant that all super-heros were given protection by the US government, if in return they promised to not do any more super acts or rescues.
So Violet's family are trying to live a 'normal' suburban life and hide the fact that they all can do amazing things that no one else can do. So Violet feels the tension at home of her parents not being able to do what they do best. Instead of being proud of her abilities, Violet is almost ashamed of them.
To read more about the film click on the name 'Incredibles'.
@Splendid Little Stars
For some technical reason I have trouble leaving a comment on your post.
Thank you for your kind words. Erik and Elisabet are the loves of my life!
Dear Sue,
I'm glad you like my extra rainbow review. I had planned to do this all along, before I decided to post something about Violet Parr, which was an idea I have had for several days, but time has not permitted me to take the pictures off the screen and resize them.
I do this because I really don't know how to do video clips. And I like stills better. I am often frustrated when bloggers want to show a video clip. Some work, some do not. I decided to just take some pertinent stills and hope that those who get interested, consider borrowing, renting or buying this film to see it for themselves.
You don't have to be a child to see this film. An an adult, I found it very funny and entertaining. There are many nostalgic nods to the 1950's and 60's. But not just that. It is a well-made film. For being 'just a cartoon' it is very rich and deep.
I am going to have to take a break here folks.
super cute take.
thanks for sharing!
Oh how could I forget Violet!? We love that movie.
Love that movie! It was really well made, didn't feel "cartoonish" at all. And I love your bead and button rainbow review! Kat
Anna! I love that movie. How clever of you! She was a neat character! And those flip flops are amazing. Did you make those?
My favorite, favorite part of your post today was the rainbow of beads. That was absolutely gorgeous.
And so is this cobalt blue necklace sitting on my desk awaiting my friends neck. This is really spectacular Anna. Can I put a testimonial up somewhere for you.
Your jewelry is sensational.
I really enjoyed this Rainbow Summer School post today!
You are a gem!
Well, that was quite entertaining. I also enjoyed the photos!
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