Saturday 25 September 2010

Mrs. Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus Week 21

Jenny Matlock

This is a themed writing meme.
You can use UP to 100 words (not including the prompt) to tell your story. You cannot use pictures to illustrate your story. It can be fact or fiction. The only restrictions is the prompt must be left intact WHICH MEANS you cannot split up the words in the prompt. You have the entire week to link your work to the meme and you can link more than one story if you like.
Please display link button or just a hyper-link back to Saturday Centus. Be careful to link your SC URL to the Linky and not just link to your main blog. I would suggest that since these are so short, if you can't think of a title just use your blog name as the title in the Linky. Try to visit each one because there are some amazing writers participating in this meme. Since the links are so short they are also a fun and quick read. Please e-mail me directly with ???'s or ask your question in a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. On Wednesday of this week one of our regular Centurions is celebrating a birthday! I'm not sure how old he is but I suspect it's 39! So the prompt this week is in honor of Tom Goette's Birthday (let me know when yours is and I'll be sure to make you fidget as well!)
Happy Birthday, Tom! This prompt's for you!


He never dreamed when he blew out the candles on his cake...


This is my SC-text for week 21:
(Scroll down to fins a Swedish translation of this text./Gå längst ner till inläggets slut för att hitta en svensköversättning av veckans text.)

Now was the time for cake and song in this very musical family. The lights were  dimmed and the cake candles lit.  He had written a funny text on a 3x5-card, but he knew the words by heart. Everyone had finished singing 'Happy Birthday' and now it was his turn. He never dreamed when he blew out the candles on his cake and was ready to sing, that the sound that would come out of his mouth would be like a crow croaking!
'My voice!' he cried in falsetto. Tears ran down his ruddy cheeks and dropped onto the icing of the cake with its still smoking thirteen candles.

Best wishes,
First Commenter:
Deborah of The Caterpiller Uprising

Using wordcalc my text has 98 words. Thank you for the link, Jackie, of The way of the upright is a highway...!

Det var dags att sjunga och äta tårta i denna musikaliska familj. Belysningen dämpades och tårtljusen tändes. Han hade skrivit en komisk text på ett litet kort, men kunde orden utantill. "Ja, må han leva" var färdigsjunget. Nu var det hans tur. Aldrig kunde han drömma om att när han blåst ut tårtljusen och skulle börja sjunga, att ljudet som lämnade hans mun skulle låta som en kraxande kråka! 
"Min röst!" flämtade han i falsett. Tårarna rann ner de röda kinderna och föll på marsipantårtan med de ännu rykande tretton tårtljusen.
Using wordcalc my Swedish text has 100 words.


Deborah said...

A voice breaking 13 year old, funny, delightful and very clever!! ... well done :o)

Susan Anderson said...

And so it begins...adolescence in all its painful colors!

Nice job, Anna!


Jackie said...

haha! O boy...

Unknown said...

Really, really clever!Well done!

Ann said...

Well written and very clever.

Susannah said...

A very clever take on the prompt, I like it! :-)

Mine is here -

Kat said...

What a creative take on the prompt! This was really nicely done Anna. What could be worse for a kid born into a musical family? I really enjoyed this. Kat

Kim Lehnhoff said...

Thirteen is a hard year for most boys - but put them in the center of attention, and have their voice crack...poor thing!

Anytime I hear a boy's voice do that, I think of The Brady Bunch episode.

Great use of the prompt!

Ames said...

Having six grandsons I've witnessed this very scene. Hard to be a good grandma and hold back a smile for the poor little croaker er I mean guy. Very good use of the prompt!~Ames

Jackie said...

Hey thanks for the recognition. Isn't wordcalc great?

Jenny said...

Anna, another surprising post. I didn't see this one coming either.

Geez. I am getting fooled all over the place tonight!

This was super clever, Anna. I really, really liked this story. said...

Thanks for the laughter! You did good.

Viki said...

I loved it the passage of time. Reminded me of when my son's voice changed. Clever take on this prompt. Good job.

Donna said...

Ahhhh the change of life!! I too, am experiencing a slightly different, but non-the less painful way. Ha! Well described Saturday Census....good post!!!

Donna said...

Ahhhh the change of life!! I too, am experiencing a slightly different, but non-the less painful way. Ha! Well described Saturday Census....good post!!!

Tgoette said...

Ha ha! Ah, the pains of puberty! What an exceptional job this is! A very clever and original take on the prompt, Anna! Well done!

Judie said...

Great idea! I remember when my sons' voices were changing--it was not a laughing matter, except to US!

Reader Wil said...

Great story and meme! Thanks for your visit!

Donna said...

Thankyou, Anna, for your comment on my interesting to read! "Funny" enough your asking if my ancestory includes being, but it is Norweigan which I consider a close cousin...ha! My grandparents were Swains which is my mother's maiden name. I have not posted before on SC because I am a new reader so have to see if I have a clever enough story to add to that someday....I DO like to write! But consider me definitely a new fan!!!

Tina said...

oh what a nice real felt story. It must be strange for the voice break time.

I didnt know you played SC Anna. I'll see you next week :)

Jenners said...

Awww...such a difficult rite of passage -- the awkward crazy voice changes of puberty.

cj Schlottman said...

This is brilliant! I never saw the teenager's dilemma coming!

Thanks for this great post.........cj

Terra said...

Oh my goodness. I felt so much when reading this, I felt his confusion and I giggled. This was very very well done.

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