Today is Wednesday and time to link with Mrs. Denise Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday. This week's letter i 'J'. My J - word is 'JEWELLERY', not too surprising, since that is the main theme of this blog. Here is my feeble hand at poetry (or 'porridge-poetry' ='grötrim').

'J is for Jewellery'
J is for Jewellery, the main subject of my page,
It is most often used by women, of almost any age,
Comes in any colour, shape or size for your needs,
Made to please the wearer, even though it's only beads.
Jewellery-making calms my nerves and removes my fear,
So soothing is the stringing of beads for neck, arm or ear,
I like making objects with which you can adorn,
Small works of art, that also can be worn.

'J is for Jewellery'
J is for Jewellery, the main subject of my page,
It is most often used by women, of almost any age,
Comes in any colour, shape or size for your needs,
Made to please the wearer, even though it's only beads.
Jewellery-making calms my nerves and removes my fear,
So soothing is the stringing of beads for neck, arm or ear,
I like making objects with which you can adorn,
Small works of art, that also can be worn.
Bonjour dear Anna
These are lovely adornments, so feminine and beautiful!My favorite is that necklace, really adorable!
Hugs and happy ABC Wednesday
Og min kone har nettopp hatt fødselsdag :-) Nydelig selv om der er "bare beads".
Selv får jeg klare meg med to ringer, der ene er gifteringen og den andre en arvet ring.
always lovely stuff - yes, no surprise of topic
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Beautiful jewelry! a lovely and creative hobby.
My ABC Wednesday
What a lovely post for the J Day! And I love your words!! Your jewelry is indeed lovely and you're very talented! Hope your week is going well!
Beautiful beads and you create lovely jewellery!! :)
hardly a feeble attempt at poetry. I think it's just as lovely as all your jewelry
Your poem is a gem and your jewelry is gorgeous!
Lovely jewellry! Great choice for the week! Love your poem as well!
Cezar and Léia
Dear Cezar and Léia,
Thank you so much for visiting! You are 'First Commenter', and get an extra link to your blog.
I'm glad you like the heart-necklace. I like it too, but so far no one has ordered it, so we may be the only ones who do. My daughter, Elisabet loves it. She has a necklace just like this one.
Käre Rune!
Tack för besöket! Synd att din hustru inte får ett smycke från
i födelsedagspresent. Men tänk på alla kvinnor i Ditt liv (mor, mostrar, fastrar, systrar, svägerskor, syskonbarn, döttrar, sonhustrur barnbarn o.s.v.) som skulle kunna glädjas åt ett litet armband, halssmycke eller ett par örhängen i julklapp!
Fortsätt att besöka min blog. En vacker dag ska du se mig tillverka oemotståndliga manschettknappar för herrar i äkta guld!
(Jag skojar bara! Du behöver aldrig köpa något av mig. Dina vackra ord räcker gott!)
Varma hälsningar
Roger Owen Green
Dear Rog,
Thank you for stopping by. I am late with doing my round of comments. It's Saturday, so I will visit you today.
Thanks for your kind words.
Dear Mar,
Thanks for your kind comment on my hobby. It is fun and does keep me on 'the straight and narrow'.
Thanks for leaving the direct link. I'll visit you today also, since it is Saturday.
Sylvia K
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for your kind words. I am a 'sponge' when it comes to compliments right now! I love to hear encouragement. I wrote a poem for Jenny Matlock's new (2nd) round of Alphabe-Thursday, but it is not very good. It goes to show that creative writing takes time and hard work. There are several very good poets who contribute regularly to ABC-Wednesday, and whom I admire. They inspire me. And if I keep practicing, maybe I'll write something really worth reading one day!
Right now, while catching up on commenting, I am having a wonderful Saturday baking apple pie. Hope you are well too.
Thank you all. I'll make a break here so that Blogger does not complain!
Beautiful jewelery designs.
Åh vad fina, vad duktig du är!
Jag gjorde också smycken ett tag, och kan hålla med om att det lugnar nerverna, det är riktigt avkoopplande. Men nu har jag ju min kamera...
Och tack för kommentaren!
Beautiful jewellery! I love pale blue gem stones which apparantly are "my" colour.
Do you make jewellery to order?
ABC Team
I love your jewellry,especially the one with the red hearts. My daughter has made jewellry, too, and I have a few of her pieces. It's always so special to have something that someone made especially for you. thanks for popping over and sorry I'm so late in getting over to your blog. see you next week for L. :D
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