Thursday, 1 July 2010

Happy Canada Day!

From one northern country to another:
Hope everyone in Canada has a happy Canada Day!
Map and flag from Wikipedia

First Commenter:
Alesa Warcan


Avo said...

And a lovely Canada to yourself as well. : j

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day! I think you should have one of my cupcakes to celebrate.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by, Alesa! You are the first commenter on this post!
Thank you, JDaniel4's Mom! I would very much like to have one of your yummy cupcakes right now! Maybe I can bake some? Hmmm... Better check that recipe one more time...

Russ said...

Happy Canada Day to all. My family traces back to France and then Canada.

Ingrid said...

Happy Day and lots of fun !

Ann said...

I saw on another blog that it was Canada Day. Hope all those that celebrate have a splendid day

Pondside said...

Thanks for celebrating with us, Christina! I loved that you posted for our 143rd birthday! Does Sweden have a National Day?

paige said...

Happy Canada Day to you...from an American in the UK. :)

Tina said...

love these country celebrations. our day is called st georges day.

hope you had a good one.

Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ

Unknown said...

Russ Thank you Russ for stopping by and telling us about your French and Canadian heritage. I have only visited by dipping over the boarder to New Brunswick from Maine on a camping trip and visiting Montreal to meet the relatives of a boy that I thought I was going to marry. (But we never did.)

My mother had an aunt who immigrated to a rural area outside of Edmonton, Alberta. She and her husband lived on a farm where the wind blew so hard in in winter they had to tied themselves to a rope stretched from the main house to the barn to not blow away!

Having no children, she returned to Sweden after her husband pasted away. My maternal grandmother inherited a suitcase with her last possessions and she asked me to help her go through it, because I could read English.

(I should write a post about this!)

Best wishes,

Im Translator

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