Thursday, 29 April 2010

Spring-cleaning on Anna's Blog - A non-meme-week?

Normally, I would be doing an alphabet-meme yesterday or today. Both abcWednesday and Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday are doing the letter "O", a letter I love and have lots of ideas for and even images to go with them. But in the last minutes, I've decided to not post anything for these really fine memes. I am just too tired to do a good post. It's a pity, because I really like these memes and the people that play them. You are all wonderful people.

These past few days I have been trying rearrange my blog so that it will be easier for visiters to find the "Followers box" and "Search this blog" and the widgets to my shops. A few days ago I received an e-mail from someone (Alesa Warcan) who thought that my blog was too cluttered. So I am trying to clean it up a little.

There are a lot of things happening in my off-line-life that make it difficult to blog as much or as often as I would like. Maybe I will be able to write about these events at a later time, but right now, I am too tired to explain.

Thank you for visiting!

Best wishes,

P.S. The picture is a recent photo of Cajsa Cat enjoying the spring weather.


Ann said...

a good spring cleaning is what I need to do on my blog. I've been wanting to redo it but just haven't found the ambition. My house could use the same
Hope things are ok with you. Cajsa Cat looks like he is having a lovely spring day.

Avo said...

Nice job prioritizing the contents of your sidebars, Anna!
Your blog is a lot easier to navigate now.
Hope your off-line things work out.
Good night!

Teena in Toronto said...

Good luck with the blog cleaning!

Happy blogoversary :)

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