Monday 28 September 2009

Results of the blog-poll:

A couple of weeks ago I posted a poll on my sidebar asking readers/viewers about my blog. Here is the question and the muliple-choice-list of possible answers:

Which feature(s) would you like to see more of?
1 - Anna's handmade jewellery. Show more detailed photos.
2 - Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery.
3 - Personal stories that are not necessarily about jewellery.
4 - The history of jewellery-making.
5 - Connect "sources of inspiration" with results, i.e. show jewellery with source.
6 - What the children do: their drawings and jewellery.
7 - From my sketchbook. thumbnails that become jewellery.

Only three readers voted. But I am very grateful to these people, whoever they are.The results of the poll shows that I should do more with jewellery and get back on course. More specifically, feature number two (2) "Tutorials that show step-by-step how to make a piece of jewellery." got two votes, and feature number seven (7) "From my sketchbook. thumbnails that become jewellery." got one vote.
I am taking these results to heart and will start showing tutorials and the process from sketches to finished piece.
Thank you again, whoever you are!


BeadedTail said...

I always enjoy seeing other people's creative process so I'm looking forward to seeing yours!

Unknown said...

September 30th, 2009
Dear BeadedTail:
Thanks for writing! I keep an eye on your creative process too. Tou have two interests in common with me: cats and jewellery!
Christina Wigren

Jude said...

Since I don't make jewelry and I didn't see your poll you could also add some personal anecdotes and other things occasionally.

Anonymous said...

Great! Can't wait to see the tutorials. I would love to do them on my blog, but digital camcorder :(

WillOaks Studio said...

I can relate to your poll results. I understand how an artist gets sidetracked by collecting information, images, ideas and all the raw material behind a new piece or series! Good for you to blend ALL these parts together in your blog--that's how other folks get to understand where that polished, finished art "comes from!"

Unknown said...

Dear Jude and Alterity Button Jewelry,
Thank you for commenting on the poll. I can't help coming with personal anectdotes, so I am grateful that someone doesn't mind them.

The hardest thing is actually to show jewellery-making. I hope you won't be too disappointed, because I don't have a camcorder. I thought I would take several close-ups and maybe do a few drawings. It may be very boring, but I am limited when it comes to photo-technical solutions at this time. I still have not restored everything that was lost when my computer crashed. Please bear with me.

By the way, Alterity, I love your button-jewellery. You have opened my eyes to buttons!

Best wishes
Christina Wigren

Unknown said...

October 7th, 2009
Dear Karen (WillOaks Studio),

Thank you for writing.
I just saw your comment now. (Daisy advised me to enable comment-monitoring on older posts.)

Thank you for your kind understanding of my present situation. I am not really happy with my blog right now, because I let myself become too side-tracked. I really need to do new jewellery and get it photographed and sometimes I feel as if I am drowning in things that must be done. But I don't want to write about it as a post, because I feel that my posts should show the sunnier side of life and present something concrete and encouraging about the process of jewellery-making. I really like making my pieces. I am happy when I make something pretty and wearable. (I like your idea of "wearable art". They are small, shiny and colourful artworks!) I have lots of things lined up, a tutoral, a portrait of another jewellery-maker and piles of undocumented earrings, necklaces and bracelets.

The children are in school again, but not all day. They need their mother and it's important to me to give them my time and attention. But it also means that I am no good at meeting a deadline.

My part-time job is taking too much time right now. It is seasonal in nature, as your work taking care of the camp during the summer months. I am working extra this week beause the work is availble and I need the extra income.

Materials to new pieces cost as well as just paying all of these non-jewellery-related bills. I just hope I can stay well.

When you wrote that you were feeling poorly it gave me a wake up call. Hope I can stay well!
Best wishes
Christina Wigren

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