Take a look at some easy & elegant stretch bracelets and necklaces:
A bracelet with white & chrystal leaves for an outdoor-wedding or just because white goes with everything at any time of the year?

A turquoise-coloured and clear chrystal bracelet and choker for summer fun?
Here is a green and pink stretch bracelet:
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Sunday, June 27th - Equine Epiphanies

Best wishes,
Very nice. Love the leaves in the white one. The blue makes me think of the beach and the green and pink are just cheery summery colors.
Love the green and pink, kinda reminds me of watermelon. Very pretty combination.
Pretty pretty pretty! I love the pink and green together...I had the same thought Theresa did - yummy watermelons :o)
Love them all. My granddaughter loves the stretch bracelets. Loves any kind of new ones.
She would die for the Green and pink stretch bracelet.
Welcome to my blog Vilt og vakkert,
(Wild and wonderful),hope you will find my posts of interest.
I collect stonenecklaces - and had my last on Saturday: yellow jade of China, very beautiful!
Have a nice week ;:OD)
Rigtig, rigtig flot sæt i det grønne og lyserøde!! Rigtige sommer farver :-) Tak fordi du har meldt dig som fast læser af min blog. God dag til dig!
Ann Thanks for stopping by, Ann! You are first commenter! Glad you like the white leafy bracelet. This is my first try at doing this kind of a leafy stretch bracelet. It took some time to do it! But I think I should do several and list them.
Glad you like the summery colours. These blues are greenish/turqoise/sea-green/sea-blue blues, so these bracelets should give you a feeling of being on the beach in summer.
Theresa Hi Theresa, Thank you for commenting on the stretch-jewellery. Yes, green and pink are watermelon-colours! But I was really inspired by wild strawberries, since watermelon is not grown in Sweden. But you are right. I see it now!
Jen Thanks for stopping by Jen! Glad you like the summer bracelets. I don't really have enough pink beads to make all the summer jewellery that I would like to make in that colour. Glass beads in the colours red, pink and orange are actually more expensive than other coloured glass beads. Must be the price of the raw materials.
Russ Thanks for the compliment, Russ! How old is your granddaughter? I'll write you an e-mail.
Vilt og Vakkert Hej! Tack för att du hälsar på min blogg. Jag ska titta på ditt jade-halsband!
Jag har bestämt mig för att deltaga i norska abc-Wednesday, d.v.s. "Ord og Bilder #3" och ville bekanta mig med mina 'klasskamrater'! Det ska bli skoj! Vi hörs/ses!
Förlåt att jag skriver på svenska. Jag förstår norska, men kan inte skriva på norska.
Anne Thompson Hej Anne! Tack för att du besöker min sida! Ja, Jag flöjer din blogg numera. Det ska bli spännande att se hur du gör! Just nu leker livet; solen skiner och vi ska äta jordgubbar till dessert!
Förlåt att jag skriver på svenska. Jag förstår norska, men kan inte skriva på norska.
Stora kramar (klem)&
Best wishes to you wonderful folks,
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