This week's PhotoHunt Theme # 211 is "Black". The first thing I think about is my BLACK cat Cajsa, who is my first cat, born on Maj 29th, 1999, came to live with me when she was twelve weeks old and has been my special feline friend since. This is to you my sweet black kitty!
In keeping with my ambition to stick to my subject, jewellery-making I would like to show a black stretch necklace, modelled by my niece Laura:
In keeping with my ambition to stick to my subject, jewellery-making I would like to show a black stretch necklace, modelled by my niece Laura:

I make these stretch chokers in two lengths: 16½ inches and 16 inches.
Where are these sold? Right here.

Happy Weekend!

First Commenter: Sparkle the Designer Cat
A black tuxedo is always stylish, especially on a kitty!
The necklace is very pretty too (says my human).
Thanks Sparkle!
Cajsa is a very sweet cat - reminds me a lot of Sammy, except Sammy is fatter :)
The black necklace is the perfect length and how kind of your niece to 'lend her neck'!
happy weekend to you too!
What a pretty cat Cajsa is and your niece is a beautiful girl and makes a perfect model for the necklace.
Lots of things that are pleasing to the eye over on this here blog entry! :)
your cat is such a cutie and your niece is pretty with or without the necklace.
Cute cat and the necklace sure is pretty!
Your kitty looks very satisfied. And the necklace is pretty, too.
Here's my take on black.
The necklace is very stylish. Cajsa is a beauty
Elegant cat and elegant necklace. You could have combined the two and put the necklace on the cat. . .
But would he have sat still for it? I'm sure he wouldn't have been as gorgeous as your niece is.
Come see my black cat.
that's a very stylish neckalce :-)
bith pretty black things here
I love Cajsa's shiney black fur!
ALthough I don't wear much black, I do like that necklace, it's an interesting assortment of shapes. Your niece is a beautiful girl and models the necklace perfectly!
Dear Duni,
I think Sammy is really nice. Cajsa can be a tough girl cat, but she has a heart of gold. She once came and rubbed her face against my when I thought I was going to loose Erik before he was born. It was as if she knew. Many people don't believe me when I say this. But it's true!
My niece liked the black necklace so much that she asked me to give it to her as her Christmas present. Of course she was allowed to keep it!
(I think I'll have to leave comments a little at a time. The children are calling!)
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