parent (yes, I am the parent of this child [Erik 8], who is presently pestering this particularly pretty pet!)
package, parcel, post, pull, please, and if I stick to my blog's main subject, there are jewellery-words like the beads that are made of pearls, peridot, petrified wood, pewter, pietersite, plastic, polyclay, porcelain, prehnite and pyrite, as well as other jewellery-related terms such as paddle pins, pendant, pins, plaques, pliers, polish, pouches, prayer box, prongs, prong pusher and prong lifter. Other crafts and industries have wonderful P-words like painting and printing! Where does it end? With poetry, park, pucker and peck? ("Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers!!") So I 'd better push to get this posted as soon as possible, as the letter "P" will probably be popular!

Actually, I did think of "Pearls and Poison", but I don't have any bottles of poison at home. (We use our cats instead of rat-poison on the farm.) Hmmmm...
Pearls and Poison sounds like a good title for a mystery novel. A cozy mystery, where the murder occurs between chapters. I wonder what Patricia Rockwell of Communication Exchange and Subjective Soup would think of that? Maybe I could write a cozy and send it to Cozy Cat Press?
The authors Patricia Rockwell and Diane Morlan have just started a new publishing company called Cozy Cat Press. Their first books are cozy mystery novels. Hooray!
Best wishes,
For more P-words at Mrs. Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday please click here.
P.S. By the way, there is a blog called "Pearls and Poisons"; check it out here.
P.P.S. Look at this list of fictional poisons here.
First Commenter:
Manang Kim of
My Photography in Focus
Love pearls and yours are so beautiful! Happy weekdays!
ABC Wednesday~P
What woman doesn't love pearls?? What a great word combo-pearls and poison! Good luck on the mystery novel! ; )
What a marvelous collection of P words for the day! And so colorful! Love the pearls, of course, and how could we get along without our pets! Fun post for the day, Anna! Hope your week is going well! Thanks for your visit and comment! Always appreciated!
Jeg tror du må ha svelget ordboken :-)
Så mange P'er har jeg ikke sett på engang, og ikke visste jeg at det var så mye P i relasjon til smykker. Da har jeg lært noe idag også! :-)
Beautiful shots and lovely pearls.
What fun! I may have written a cozy mystery, so I'll check that out!
Pearls and Poison sounds like it could be the modern day version of Arsenic and old lace :)
Positively pleasing post
Lovely pearl and teh cat looks cute and cuddly
Great number of P words! I love your cat!
A PLETHORA of Ps. Impressive.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I never thought of pearls. Good one.
On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for playing.
I love this P-post! What is it about cats that they love to lie down paper?! Sammy adores newspapers!
And who doesn't love pearls :)
Dear Manang Kim,
Yes, I love pearls. But these are just temporarily strung. I haven't decided what to do with them, what kind of necklace to make out of them.
Dear Paula,
"Pearls and Poison" just struck me while I was doing this post. I am so spontanious. It's my nature. But it's not always a good thing. I would really like to write a mystery novel and send it in to Patricia Rockwell, but who knows what the title will be. I have to check book lists and see if it's already taken. Probably is. Should have kept my mouth shut!
Thanks for your encouragement!
Dear Sylvia,
Thank you for stopping by! Yes, aren't pearls beautiful? But like foster kittens, I must start thinking about finding new homes for them!
Bäste Rune!
Jag älskar ord! Min käre far kunde sitta och läsa - alltså nöjesläsa - ordboken i timmar. Jag är ganska lik honom på det viset!
I have to take a break here, but will continue to respond to comments soon.
awww he looks so sweet on his tissue paper! pets like the strangest things dont they.
By way Anna i changed my domain name for Game FreakZ to http://www.gamefreakzweb.com. Can i ask you to change in your blogroll. Thanks :)
Tina from
Mummy Diaries
Gossip Avenue
Travel Shack
Game FreakZ
The pearls are beautiful. I love that they are not white ;0) Isn't that the way with kids always bothering the animals LOL.
I have pearls on my post as well! Yours are lovely. I really like the pink ones. Looks like Erik is a fast mover!
Wonderful "P" post with a very creative way of presenting the "P" words! Great job.
I too love your "p" post--and thank you so much for giving a "plug" (another great "p" word) to Cozy Cat Press! Now get to work on that mystery you're writing!
What a great post - so many wonderful 'P' words! And great blog too. I'll be popping back to have another read through!
Happy Alphabe-Thursday - and look forward to *seeing* you again next time!
Mine’s HERE!
Perfect Pearls for a Perfect P Post; Lovely
I like the pink pearls!! And your cat is so cute! I have a special love for yellow cats. I used to have a yellow kitty, but he died about 6 months ago. Now we have two new kitty cats. (but they are not yellow.)
perfect posting
i love the pink and black pearls - lovely necklaces :D
Lovely necklaces and a charming cat. I love big squishy orange cats.
Anna, how lovely.
I would have never know you could dye pearls. They are just gorgeous.
And that precious marmalade cat resting on the polka dotted table with that sweet, sweet boy.
Really a perfect little P stop (hmmm...) on my journey through Alphabe-Thursday this week!
Thanks for making this meme so interesting each week!
I didn't know pearls could be dyed, either! You learn something new every day!
And I'm going to add my two cents and agree that Pearls and Poison would be a great book title!
I didn't know pearls could be dyed, either! You learn something new every day!
And I'm going to add my two cents and agree that Pearls and Poison would be a great book title!
darling kitty and i love all the colored pearls!
i am a big fan of pearls!!! they have such beauty!
What beautiful pearls. Ididnt know you could dye them.
Loved your P post!
Happy Mothers Day. Anna and all the World.
Wow. Lots of P words and neat information. Thank you for letting us know about Cozy Cat Press. Which reminds me Calley-Boy-Cat is precious. And boys are sure fun. I bet you're an awesome parent. I love pearls too, especially different shapes and colors.
I love pearls, they are my favorite pieces of jewelry. Yours are beautiful. And that is one handsome cat! Kathy
I LOVE pearls and the images you have here are just beautiful. Perfect P post!
Best wishes,
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